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We the like-minded personalities established a non-profitable and non-governmental organization and registered as Backward Community Literacy-Development Society with a view to discharge self-less and tired-less services for emancipation of the rural/urban poor and depressed communities in the rural/urban and tribal areas. We had started our activities by creating awareness among the target groups to develop a common goal and common platform, which basically serve for creating a healthy environment in the identified communities. As everybody knows that the class and caste place a vital role in deciding the status and survival of any person in the rural India. Because the Indian culture is basically constructed with domination of some dominating people and atmospheres of administration ruled by the so-called dominating communities, So the depression has been developed among the poorer section and they were unable to known their fundamental rights at-least what they wish to speck and express their inner feelings and thoughts towards anything. These systems of culture of silence, culture of depression among some specified communities had noticed by the committee of the organization and decided to start a committed organization especially to fight for their justice and to relieve them from the clutches of suppression.


a. To improve the society who was in need (ST, SC & economically backward classes) through imparting education, training).
b. To establish the Hostels for the poor and homeless, children who are in need.
c. To open Adult Education centers in the rural villages to remove the illiteracy.
d. To open educational centers for all needy children.
e. To open tailoring centers, typewriting institutions etc., for the needy.
f. To provide housing to the needy poor.
g. To implement women and child welfare programs, Mother and child care programs, Health care centers and also take care of the Aged people, Child Labor Rehabilitation schools, short stay homes, Physically handicapped centers etc.,
h. To start Ashram schools, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe Schools & Hostel for the welfare of poor children in the area and also establish and run Libraries and Reading rooms.
i. To establish and run the Residential Schools, Orphanage Homes, Day Care centers, Destitute Homes, Working women hostels and Technical Training Centers like Computer courses for the better education of the Children and women.
j. To establish and run educational Institutes like Pre-primary to Post –Graduate centers and professional Courses like Polytechnic, I.T.I., Medical, Engineering, Paramedical and Nursing etc., for the improvement of academic and Professional education in both medium to all religion without caste, creed and sex.
k. To give shade to the communities at the time of natural havocs like floods, fire, drought and hunger.
l. To encourage and take up sponsorship programs for the poor and needy children for the better education and bright future.
m. To encourage and taka up the development projects like Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Waste land development, Environmental and ecological balances , Tree Plantation and suitable welfare activities for the rural areas like Housing, Drinking Water facilities, Formation of Roads, Sanitation, Medical and Health programs, construction of Check dams etc., to up lift the living conditions of the rural / urban and downtrodden groups.
n. To undertake subsidiary occupations such as Dairy, Poultry, Goat and Sheep Rearing and Mat weaving, weaving and Dying, Small Scale Industries in view to increase the family income.
o. To form Thrift and Credit unions and to receive loans from Rastriya Mahila Kosh (RMK), New Delhi, HDFC, NMDFC and other Government and Abroad Agencies for the benefit of the people in the area.
p. To promote Waste land Development activities, Eco-development projects, soil conservation and social Forestry Schemes, Nurseries, Water shed managements, Check dams, De-silting of the ecology and all other environmental activities in the area.
q. To provide Legal support to the poor and deprived sections of the Community in order to help them to win their Legal Rights and social welfare Laws and Government Schemes and measures.
r. To provide Medical Assistance by arranging periodical free medical check-ups by qualified Doctors and distributing medicines free of cost with the assistance of Doctors and Nurses and other funding sources.
s. To provide Mid-day meal schemes, Medical check – ups for the promotion of Health and tri-cycles for the development of the physically handicapped persons.
t. To educate the people in the use of Bio-Gas, Goober Gas and also encourage them in erecting Solar Energy Cell for consumer purpose, forms and also in agricultural sectors.
u. To raise and receive subscriptions, donations from members and local people to received funds or grants in the shape of Cash and Kind from Donor Agencies both from our country and abroad and also to utilize the subsidies, Margin Money and other benefits from Government and Non-Governmental Agencies in view to run the programs for the benefit of the people in the area.
v. To do all such other useful things, deeds, acts which are essential or conductive to the attainment of the objects of the society.

Our Mission / Aim / Vision

OUR VISION To develop areas of mutual cooperation with different volunteer working for urban, tribal and rural minorities.

OUR MISSION To promote and strengthen people’s group for socio-economic and human development.

Undertake comprehensive & integrated development interventions for the empowerment of deprived, disadvantaged & vulnerable sections of the society focusing on women, children & youth
The over-all Mission of the Backward community Literacy Development Society is to achieve sustainable and successful results through strenuous efforts by organizing various social service activities as in the fields of Education, Vocational or Skill Development Training, Health, Sanitation, Agricultural Development, Environmental issues, Human Rights issues inclusive of the Child Rights, Women’s rights, Dalith or Downtrodden People’s Rights, Different kinds of the Self-Employment and Self-Development and many other Development Activities for the welfare and development of the poor and needy people who are belonging to the social economic backward sections.


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